Misorientation seems to be a very typical problem faced by every single person who is trying his best afford to achieve the long-time goals,especially for young adults who just graduated from their colleges.Considering their transitional process in searching for the best path on life journey.
The social value has been stressed the youngman in their ages,to be responsible with their own striving for the goals.In general,there are two main types of attitudes that refer to how will they response toward the concerning situation.
Some of them are choosing to remain calm,"just follow where the water goes by",they said.The people who categorized in this first type argue that the best way to face this life is simply "putting the first first",instead of doing a deep and long time consuming of thinking about what will happen in the future time.Just do what we can do today,tomorrow will stay as tomorrow's bussineses.
Meanwhile, another type of people are prefer to spent their time planning their future with a more sequence detail.They are counting on every details,how will the situation changes through their ways to reach for the goals and how to be prepared earlier as well.Breaking their goals into several parts of smaller plans that span from the future to the present days,which organized one by one sequencely backward. In other words,they choosed to "putting the last first".
In my opinion,the later is greater than the former since human are subject to inconsistences and forgetfulness."Putting the last first" means that we are starting to depict a clear vision of our future goals before we take the very first step to make our dreams come true.It makes us sure enough that we step on the right tracks.Imagine how sad we are when we find ourselves in the future taking wrong paths long after all problems we have faced before.The large amount of energy we spent,seems to be meaningless since there will be nothing to get.Unfortunately,it will be impossible to side back to the first step we had along time ago.
Here are several key points to help us putting the last first:
1. List all your hope of dreams and how old will you be in the future time when you get every single dreams?describe it clearly,in a way that easier for your own selves to imagine.
2. Create your stepping stones strategy to get your dreams come true. Break it down into the most possible ways according to your ages.
3.According to the strategy,What should you do to starting from today?
4. Write it down to help you evaluate the processes and as a reminder for you when you forget in the middle of journey.
We are what we think,right?thus,we are the one who choose what kind of shape for our life.Make sure we know exactly what we want at the end of our ages,plan the steping stones then evaluate the consistences.Eventually,let God do the rest with the very best afford we had.It is better to arrange your time now for a single time than get ting broke on the future time. Do not procrastinate your self neglecting your life ya!
picture taken from http://z.hubpages.com/u/466673_f520.jpg
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