"... The destruction of the social, political, and economical arena has already caused many mistakes in our society. As well as their short sightness in the relation in their community..."

I didn't know the reason why I choosed the topic, however it has revealed some part of the national condition today. It's still about the same topic, the same situation and the same problem we are facing: 'the political stagnancy'.
What's the one that come first to your head when you are hearing about politics? I think some of you would mentioning the negative sides instantly; corruption, dishonest, shortsightness, you named it. For you friends who's categorized in this group, sincerely I recommend "the you must see film": CHANGE!
Occasionally Keita, a rural elementary teacher who had disliked politics, dramatically became a new prime minister of japan! He had no political experienced before, or a large amount of ambitions either. However fortunately he is an idealistic young man with compassion, braveness and sincerity. One kind that's rarely found right now..
It has a really nice story to freshen up your head! So, i'm waiting for your sharing about the film to discuss=D Emptying the glass seems work as the only way for preparing us to be loaded!
Have a nice day for you guys! Ganbatte!
picture taken from: http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/6216/changepx7.jpg
2 opini dari pembaca:
hahaha... pak reja jadi ngefans sama filmnya... :D
Assalamualaikum...ceilee,,gaya banget..sekarang nulis blognya pake B.Inggris euy...gaya...bagus2...tetep smngat bah belajar bahasa inggris nya...let's practice together^^ cu
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